The Perspective Series

At its essence, the Perspective Series organically invites viewers to engage with my work from multiple vantage points. In today's society, I feel we struggle to embrace diverse perspectives on life and its various facets. Stuck in our ways, we find it difficult to engage in meaningful conversations or connections with those who hold differing beliefs. It’s become an “us vs them” scenario.

Now, more than ever, there is a pressing need for unity, to dismantle these barriers and collectively perceive life through a kaleidoscope of perspectives and vantage points. My hope is that my art serves as an illuminating force, instilling this concept deep into the hearts of its viewers. Stemming from this initial idea, my pieces explore further concepts, such as the Acceptance or Impermanence, while others are born from a simple desire to create or experiment.

From a procedural standpoint, my process is firmly rooted in repetition and meditation. My process starts with silk unraveled from the Bombyx mori silk worm, each strand about as thin as hair. I pull these strands of silk, one to two pieces at a time from the hank, creating bundles of approximately 200 silk pieces. The silk is then dyed before being strung into a shadow box-like frame, each piece secured with a surgical knot.

The Wave, 2023

37x37x3” with frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights

The Wave 2, 2024

21x21x3” with frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights

44:4, 2022

25x25x3” with Frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights


Find Your Center I, 2021

25x25x3” with frame

Silk, velvet, aluminum, LED Lights


Find Your Center II, 2022

37x37x3” with frame

Silk, velvet, aluminum, LED lights


Mirror, 2021

13x13x3” with frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights


Acceptance I, 2023

25x13x3” with Frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights

Acceptance II, 2023

25x25x3” with frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights

Impermanence I, 2022

21x21x3” with frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights

Impermanence II, 2023

21x21x3” with frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights


Cognitive Distortion I, 2022

21x21x3” with Frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights

Untitled White Piece I, 2022


Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights


Prism I, 2023

21x21x3” with frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights


Untitled Rainbow I, 2023


Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights

Untitled Rainbow II, 2023

13x13x3” with frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights


Interconnected I, 2022

25x13x3” with frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights


Interconnected II, 2023

Interconnected was made from the idea of two people giving each other everything they have. Each color starts from the opposite and completely intermix with each other.


Setting Intention I, 2021

13x13x3” with frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights

Setting Intention I is apart of the Making Change sub-series. Before any major change can be made, an intention must be set. I depict this by changing the color of the silk column, but not the pattern. Once a change is made, the pattern shifts (see Making the Change, Indecisiveness).


Setting Intention II, 2022

13x13x3” with frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights


Setting Intention III, 2023

13x13x3” with frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights

Setting Intention III is apart of the Making Change sub-series. Before any major change can be made, an intention must be set. I depict this by changing the color of the silk column, but not the pattern. Once a change is made, the pattern shifts (see Making the Change, Indecisiveness). This work was inspired by my journey into sobriety. Making a major, positive shift in my life took a lot of effort and work. I was constantly setting the intention to change and never taking the leap to make the actual change until I got the courage to do so.

Making the Change I, 2021

13x13x3” with frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights


Making the Change II, 2023

25x13x3” with frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights


Indecisiveness I, 2022

25x25x3” with frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights


Changing Course I, 2022

25x13x3” with Frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights

Intercept I, 2021

13x13x3” with frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum


Axis of Symmetry I, 2020

13x13x3” with frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights


Axis of Symmetry II, 2022

25x13x3” with frame

Silk, Velvet, Aluminum, LED Lights

Axis of Symmetry III, 2023

13x13x3” with frame

Silk, velvet, aluminum, LED Lights


Axis of Symmetry IV, 2023

13x13x3” with frame

Silk, velvet, aluminum, LED Lights


Axis of Symmetry V, 2023

13x13x3” with frame

Silk, velvet, aluminum, LED Lights


Axis of Symmetry VI, 2023

13x13x3” with frame

Silk, velvet, aluminum, LED Lights

Axis of Symmetry VII, 2023

13x13x3” with frame

Silk, velvet, aluminum, LED Lights

Axis of Symmetry VIII, 2023

13x13x3” with frame

Silk, velvet, aluminum, LED Lights


Axis of Symmetry X

13x13x3” with frame

Silk, velvet, aluminum, LED Lights


Axis of Symmetry XI

13x13x3” with frame

Silk, velvet, aluminum, LED Lights

Axis of Symmetry XII

13x13x3” with frame

Silk, velvet, aluminum, LED Lights


Axis of Symmetry XIII

13x13x3” with frame

Silk, velvet, aluminum, LED Lights


Axis of Symmetry XIV

13x13x3” with frame

Silk, velvet, aluminum, LED Lights