Acceptance I, 2023

In crafting "Acceptance I," I sought to confront the challenge of acknowledging and embracing the flaws within ourselves and my relationship. Accepting imperfections, whether in art or in life, can be difficult. This piece became a therapeutic conduit, allowing me to navigate and embrace these nuances, particularly during the early stages of our relationship. The process of creating this work became a transformative experience, contributing to the strengthening of our connection through the shared recognition and acceptance of each other's unique imperfections.

"Acceptance I" falls within the Acceptance sub-series, a collection where broken or intentionally fragmented silk becomes an integral part of the artistic narrative. This particular piece emerged as a deeply personal exploration, originally conceived to symbolize the union between myself and my partner.

Drawing inspiration from our astrological identities—myself, a Cancer, represented by the element of water and the color blue, while my partner, an Aries, embodied the fiery essence with the color red—I aimed to visually encapsulate the intertwining of our beings, imperfections and all. The deliberate incorporation of broken silk strands served as a powerful metaphor, a reminder that imperfections, when interwoven, contribute to the creation of something inherently beautiful.