Mirror, 2022

"Mirror" was the first piece within the Acceptance sub-series, where I intentionally incorporate or leave broken strands of silk.

Crafted from a place of curiosity and fear in the future of my work, "Mirror" emerged as an artistic response to the lingering question: What happens to a piece when a strand of silk breaks? Despite the inherent strength of silk, the unknowns of its endurance over time—whether it breaks in 50, 100, or 1000 years—prompted this contemplative exploration. While I use acrylic spray to preserve select pieces, the unpredictability of silk's future presented a creative challenge.

The title of “Mirror” came from the concept of being a mirror and reflecting who one is, showing our imperfections while still embracing our beauty. Too often, people hold onto their imperfections instead of embracing them. Ram Dass spoke of this often. When one goes into a forest, and sees all the unique and different trees, one typically finds beauty in the uniqueness. Usually the most deformed trees or the trees that have weathered storms are the most beautiful. Yet, we do not ascribe to this with people. If they do not fit a certain criteria, they are ugly. My hope is that viewers obvserve this piece and find the beauty that lies within themselves and everyone.